Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Analisis Pemantapan Mutu Internal Pemeriksaan Ureum dan Kreatinin di RSUP dr.Soeradji Tirtonegoro


Background: Laboratory checking in the Pathology Clinic Installation of dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Hospital is very important in stating diagnose and therapy.  The checking of urea and creatinin are the most requested examination by the clinicians to be done in the Pathology Clinic Installation of dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Hospital. The effort of stabilizing the internal quality in the Pathology Clinic Installation of dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Hospital has been done, i.e. the quality control of urea and creatinin checking. However, the evaluation by using the Westgard Rules are not done yet in the laboratory and so that the delays of the checking results happened caused by the repetition of t he examination.

Objective: To find out the application of stabilizing internal quality, covered pre analytical, analytical, and post analytical stages of urea and creatinin examination that were done in the Pathology Clinic Installation of dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Hospital and to find out the result of the quality control of the urea and creatinin examination in the Pathology Clinic Installation of dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Hospital.

Method: This is a non exploration descriptive experiment research to find out the application of stabilizing the internal quality by using the observation data taken. The method used was by giving questionnaire and gathered document of quality control application.

Result: The application of stabilizing internal quality examination of urea and creatinin at the pre analytical stage scored 85,2% (good), analytical stage scored 82,7% (good), and post analytical stage 78,6% (good). The application of quality control about the examination of urea was good, while for the examination of creatinin there was a breaking of the Westgard Rules. Examination accuracy of the urea and the creatinin axamination were good already.

Conclusion: The application of stabilizing internal quality in the pre analytical, analytical, and post analytical stages are running good already, according to the Good Laboratory Practice. Accuracy examination of the urea and creatinin examination are good according to Ricos Database Rules.

Keyword: Stabilizing Internal Quality, Accuracy, Urea, Creatinin 

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1 komentar:

  1. Maaf sebelumnya, saya ingin bertanya, bapak beli buku pemantapan mutu internal laboratorium klinik karya sukorini itu dmna ya pak? Mohon bantuannya, saya sangat butuh buku itu
